Embedded systems developer, hardware hacker and tech industry enthusiast.
Adding landing gear for more controlled take-offs and landings.
Airframe redesign time.
Initially my brother and I thought using a single carbon fiber tube as a stringer supporting the 3D printed "frames" would be easier and faster. However, it turned out that we were both spending almost as much time trying to get parts to stay in place (or repositioning parts after crashes) as actually flying.
I've started designing my own dual tube version that shouldn't require any parts to be permanently attached to the tubes. The first part off the printer, half of the servo mount, is looking promising.
V2 motor mount and front wing mount fresh off the printer.
The parts will be held the right distance apart using 5mm balsa wood square rods, and coupled together using rubber bands to lock them into place along the length the carbon fiber tube. The motor and tail mounts will act as end caps.
Note the wing mount design has been simplified to improve print reliability.
Improved wing design and more powered flight testing.
Powered flights required a motor mount redesign, and an easier method for launching the plane.
Started working with my brother to design the initial components.
First unpowered model for glide testing, and then adapted for powered flight.